CASA members enjoy the highest level of discounts available from Sanofi Pasteur, Merck, Vaxelis, Pfizer, AstraZeneca for the FluMist Quadrivalent vaccine and Dynavax-HeplisavB.

The ability to obtain these types of discounts is based solely on the performance of our members and their loyalty to the products of our vendor partners. Members limit their use of competing vaccines to circumstances of explicit medical necessity or product unavailability.

Vendor partners independently provide additional discounts via prompt pay, online ordering discount, promotions, etc. It is important to note that these discounts are in addition to CASA discount pricing.

We also have preferential purchasing rights and pricing for Sanofi Influenza vaccines. Practices successfully participating in both the Sanofi Pasteur and Merck programs are eligible for CASA Incentive Rewards program.

There are no fees required to join CASA. In addition, there are no binding contracts and members may discontinue association with us at any time, as long as they provide notification.

Joining CASA is easy! Simply register here to receive the Participation Agreement and current CASA member pricing for Merck, Sanofi Pasteur, Vaxelis, Pfizer, AstraZeneca FluMist Quadrivalent and Dynavax-HeplisavB vaccines.

To access specific membership information pricing and enrollment forms, click here to join.

Since each vaccine vendor partner has a process for adding CASA members, wait times may vary. We have found that 2 to 5 business days is typical for Sanofi once your signed Participation Agreement has been received.

Pfizer, Merck and AstraZeneca, however, may require additional time. You will be notified as soon as you are eligible to order from our vaccine vendor partners and can take advantage of CASA discount pricing.

There is no connection between our vaccine contracts. Sanofi Pasteur, Merck, Vaxelis, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Dynavax are separate corporate entities. We believe these product lines are complimentary and therefore we have contracts with all of them.

Our prices for each are the lowest the respective company offers. Although there is no penalty for participating in only one of the agreements, you must successfully participate with both Sanofi Pasteur and Merck to be eligible for the Incentive Rewards Program.

We constantly seek goods or services that enhance our members’ practices and increase their revenue.

Check out our Saving Center Partners that include:

 Discounted office supplies from Office Depot/Office Max
 Discounts and special programs from our other Saving Center Partners like Home Depot, Avis/Budget Car Rental, Hotel Engine and More!

CASA members are eligible for a REWARD equivalent to 2% on eligible Sanofi Pasteur vaccine purchases and 1% on all Gardasil®9 purchases from Merck during the Incentive Period (CASA vaccine contract year).

This is how the program works:
 Members will be eligible as long as they participate in BOTH the Sanofi Pasteur and Merck buying agreements.
 Members must be in compliance with CASA’s Participation Agreement regarding vaccine purchases.
 CASA Physicians Alliance must achieve the performance goals set forth by both Sanofi Pasteur and Merck.
 REWARDS Checks will be issued within 120 days of the end of the INCENTIVE Period.


Discount Vaccines for Pediatrics, Adolescents and Adults